其實最著名的做法是採用dlib C++這個套件來應用,可以在很機器學習或深度學習引用此套件,他透過LFW人臉數據進行機器學習與深度學習,所以若只是單抓人臉應該還蠻準確的.
Step1. 安裝
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pip install face_recognition |
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CMake must be installed to build the following extensions: dlib |
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pip install cmake |
Step2. 準備一張有多人的圖片(節錄至攝圖網)
Step3. 寫一段程式,分割臉部(採用官方教學)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 |
from PIL import Image 2 import face_recognition 3 4 # Load the jpg file into a numpy array 5 image = face_recognition.load_image_file("photoname.jpg") 6 7 # Find all the faces in the image using the default HOG-based model. 8 # This method is fairly accurate, but not as accurate as the CNN model and not GPU accelerated. 9 # See also: find_faces_in_picture_cnn.py 10 face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(image) 11 12 print("I found {} face(s) in this photograph.".format(len(face_locations))) 13 14 for face_location in face_locations: 15 16 # Print the location of each face in this image 17 top, right, bottom, left = face_location 18 print("A face is located at pixel location Top: {}, Left: {}, Bottom: {}, Right: {}".format(top, left, bottom, right)) 19 20 # You can access the actual face itself like this: 21 face_image = image[top:bottom, left:right] 22 pil_image = Image.fromarray(face_image) 23 pil_image.show() |
Step4. 什麼!已經完成了,看結果吧!